Case stories
27 November 2019
HABA: ethical and eco-fun with PEFC-certified toys
Both in the selection of materials and in the production processes, HABA is committed to using natural resources and has been making PEFC-certified wooden toys since 2010.
26 June 2019
Sydney Metro Northwest: first public transport project to achieve PEFC project certification
Project certification
The new Sydney Metro is the first project of its type the southern hemisphere to achieve PEFC project certification.
5 September 2018
Artte Telai: PEFC-certified table tennis rackets made in Italy
The Italian artisan workshop Artigian Mobili created world's first PEFC-certified table tennis frame, made of resonating wood.
2 February 2018
Fundació Privada ILERSIS: a company to improve the world
Fundació Privada ILERSIS was founded in 1975 and is a non-profit social entity declared as being of public interest. For them, PEFC certification is a way to assure that their products come from sustainably managed forests.
24 January 2018
Impriarte: a small business with big environmental goals
Dedicated to the printing of packaging and adhesive labels, and the development and manufacture of point of sale (POS) materials, Impriarte offers a wide range of PEFC-certified products.