Case stories

Case stories

24 January 2018

Impriarte: a small business with big environmental goals


Dedicated to the printing of packaging and adhesive labels, and the development and manufacture of point of sale (POS) materials, Impriarte offers a wide range of PEFC-certified products.

5 October 2016

Sananitos, sustainable packaging. Plus fun!


Drasanvi uses the PEFC label on the packaging of many of their products. The company highlights the importance of preserving the environment in every step of the production chain.

23 August 2016

Mäihä: leading the way for PEFC project certification in Scandinavia

Project certification

The first building awarded with PEFC project certification in Scandinavia, Mäihä, a wooden apartment block, was unveiled at the Seinäjoki Housing Fair in Finland, 2016. 

4 August 2014

Simon: putting wood in the spotlight

Furniture & homeware

Simon is an industrial group made up of 25 companies throughout the world, and a specialist in products and services that enhance the customers’ comfort, safety and energy savings. The company now uses PEFC-certified beech as part of it Detail 82 range of bases for light switches.

14 January 2014

Kingsgate House: scoring UK sustainability first

Project certification

Kingsgate House, a seven-story residential project in London, was the first major construction project in the world to achieve PEFC Project Certification.

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