Our Projects

We use our projects and partnerships to support the growth of forest certification around the world.

Our projects

Mushroom traceability: from the forest to the plate

Non-wood forest products

As consumers become increasingly distant from the origins of their food, this project brought them closer together: tracing the journey mushrooms take from the forest to the plate, telling their story along the way.

PEFC-certified cork campaign

Non-wood forest products

If managed appropriately, cork production is sustainable. This project promoted cork certification at both ends of the supply chain: creating demand and encouraging sustainable production.

Synergies between FLEGT VPA and PEFC Certification


Exploring synergies and formal recognition between Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPAs) and certification in Ghana.

Indigenous Peoples & Certification


Raising the awareness of indigenous communities in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines to the opportunities and benefits offered by forest certification.

Working towards a national forest certification system in Nepal


Supporting Nepal’s stakeholders as they begin to develop a national forest certification system – the first of its kind in the country.

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